Sunday. Day of the Sun.

Teaching Angel – Archangel Michael
Planet – Sun
Astrology – Leo

“Who is like God?”

First day of the new week.

Protector of spiritual Israel.

Portrayed as arriving in the “end times.” As a human soul turns its face towards the infinite. The spiritual “battle” within to rise above.

Prayers – Mantras

May I not be blinded by pride.

May I provide a joyful and clear light of encouragement, good humor, inspiration, and love to those around me.

Archangel Michael, defender of God, my protector. Shield me from evil and transgressions. Assist me with daily remembrance of interconnectedness and unity. Remind me of the beauty of God’s creation that surrounds me. Assist me with treating myself and others with kindness and tolerance this day and every day.

May I be assisted with my spiritual practice. May well-being, happiness, and joy be with me and with all living creatures and sentient beings.

Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and hold fast to the faith of Jesus Christ and Unity.  Revelation 14:12