Positive Thinking

Using positive thoughts and language can assist you in overcoming all kinds of potential issues. .

Positive Thinking


Kindness in words creates confidence.
Kindness in thinking creates profoundness.
Kindness in giving creates love.
– Lao Tzu


A constant attitude of kindness and compassion can be a foundation for your positive thinking practice.

Kindness reflects the essential truth that underling the semblance of many-ness is Unity. Practicing Kindness requires constant attention to your present moment. In the present moment, whatever you are doing, remind yourself that this is to be done with kindness. You may find yourself reacting automatically to some situations and human interactions. The work of kindness is to notice these lapses, and then self-correct using kindness.


Eliminate worry from your thoughts. When you find yourself worrying – thinking obsessively about a subject or situation, allow yourself to stop. If you are concerned about a situation, you might try writing down your concerns and making a practical list of dealing with them. You could also set a time to handle the items on your list. The general idea is that you stop thinking about the issue.

Negative Thoughts

You can also catch yourself having negative, or self-demeaning thoughts. During the course of your day, notice when you seem to be having these kinds of thoughts; about yourself, others, or just generally. Once you’ve noticed that you seem to be thinking these kind of thoughts– take a moment and just observe your mind. Don’t engage. Just observe. You may find that without your attention aiding the negative thought, it may pass away fairly quickly. With repeated work like this, you can train your mind to establish new thought patterns; new habits. You can make these new thought patterns more positive and self-affirming.

Using Your Control of Language

A great positive thinking exercise is controlling you use of language. Listen to yourself talk and notice the number of times that you use negative language. Words that may be detrimental to yourself, others, or generally about situations.

While you don’t need to over glamourize a situation, using positive language can assist you in overcoming all kinds of potential issues.


Elements of Daily Practice

We can apply kindness, tolerance, and compassion in our daily lives; and much more…

There is one holy book; the sacred manuscript of nature, the only Scripture that can enlighten the reader.
Inayat Khan


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