Practical Spirituality – Daily management of your body and mind
Practical Spirituality is also the daily management of your body and mind. You could call this [Read more...]Spiritual Practice – Concentration and Awareness Part Two
This is a simple Spiritual Exercise that takes between 10 and 30 minutes. The goal of this exercise [Read more...]Spiritual Practice – Concentration and Awareness
Today’s Spiritual Practice is a something you can do as a daily exercise. It can take as long [Read more...]Practical Spirituality – Creation – Discovering your choice.
Changing your life one thought at a time. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are creative [Read more...]Practical Spirituality – It’s About You
It’s About You. Spirituality is about you. This may sounds selfish to some. But gaining [Read more...]Practical Spirituality – Why Practice Spirituality?
Spirituality. In general terms the word refers to recognizing the 'Spirit' that animates the world that we inhabit.Why practice? Principally, because by practicing we become better. We can become better human beings. We can become better at acting and re-acting in this interconnected world. [Read more...]Practical Spirituality – Silence
“Silence is a source of great strength.” – Lao Tzu This episode of Practical Spirituality is about [Read more...]