Friday. Day of Venus.

Angel anael – Joy of God
Rose angel of God
Planet – Venus
Astrological ruler of Taurus and Libra


Mantra – prayer:


May I be inspired to create beauty within myself, in the world around me, and in my relationships with other people.

May I be inspired to be a loving, caring, kind, patient, and tolerant partner to my lover or spouse and friends.

Angel anael, please assist me with cultivating my own beauty to be a wonderful potential partner when looking for a love relationship. And help me to not impose my wishes or desires on others.

May I be inspired by the creative worlds of art, music, and nature.

May I be assisted with my spiritual practice. May well-being, happiness, and joy be with me and with all living creatures and sentient beings.

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. – Proverbs 16: 2

